The Bedroom

The Bedroom Inspiration

The Bedroom Installation was inspired by Ann Hamilton’s 2012 site-specific installation The Event Of A Thread. Hamilton is a textile artist and her use of textile is a focus is most of her work. In this installation she uses a white sheet that divides a historical armory in two near Central Park in Manhattan, New York. The sheet is connected to swings and pulleys to move up and down as visitors use the swings. The arabesque of the sheet invites visitors to lay down on their backs for hours under the sheet. Every attribute in the installation is tied to the next to indicate that everything is connected, even through time.

The Bedroom Itself

Using a bedroom in my house, I hung sheets up all around the ceiling and walls organically where the sheets billowed throughout the room. I then strung lights throughout it and created barbed wire from speaker wire and garbage ties. The Bedroom represented a relationship, as this is where the lovemaking occurs as well as arguments. The installation was then taken down and recreated in the basement of the visual arts building at Texas Woman’s University.