Digitally Speaking… I studied art. hellenistic art. this is not that.
With the help of a few Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Xd, Lightroom) the digital world of art is exploding with new creations that are super amazing. Who would have thought 30 years ago that we would be 3D printing ceramics?
I say “we” but I mean, not me.
Regardless, I hold my own. And I focus on calls for artists to create public art when I am not busy stuffing myself with SEO news and changes to search algorithms, or LinkedInLearning courses, or writing…
Or a million other things.
Below are some digital works of mine. This is not the standard “graphic designer” portfolio full of advertisements and prototypes. (I do pretty good with my SEO though.) And I enjoy [all but one of] these digital works I created.