I don’t know why I allow this to be That I sit waiting and waiting I feel like you don’t see me for me Imagine how that feels To be buried in all conversations And then wonder someday If it was my dedication My dedication to heartbreak Dedicated to your wall. Bound to hate you and hurt you Your mistaken catch all But imagine if I said nothing at all. No more pauses No moments No more of your hateful thoughts Thankfully… Because you love you some you. And some addiction to booze too Clearly that needs to be treated. You should have outgrown your nightmares And embraced life in spite of them When I walked into your life Yes, you should have disowned them But to you… I’m nothing special Unless someone else is around If I said nothing at all. Just withdrew from you Disappeared again forever from you… Would you ever man up? Will you rise up or free fall? I don’t know why I allow this to be That I’ve endured your torment. Emotionally. Whole-heartedly. While you were so busy One-upping me. Telling me. That you mistakenly Thought I was desperately Using thee… go ahead Talk down to me. It’s so healthy. It’s just a shit way to think It works against you this time Because your own little addiction Came before mine. Your courtship with alcohol Stands the truest test of time I gave up my solutions Tossed into the wind on a dime. Years ago years ago It was about time.